A New Year, a fresh thought and prospective.
Collectively "Amazing" shines around and through you. Let it shine through in all that you do. Be uplifted, and uplift. We are bound to experience negative experiences, negative people but resolve to leave each situation better than you find it. Remember that each journey begins with the first step. Move your body, smile more, love someone who seems unlovable, be good to yourself and to someone that truly deserves it.
Expect reciprocity, the winds blow in many directions, not just one. Try something new, go somewhere that you have been, do something wonderful that you have never tried. Be fearless! Be fierce! Be fabulous! Each week do something that will improve you, read, walk, learn something new, try a new healthy recipe. Write a love letter to yourself. Write a letter to someone that you haven't reached out to for a long time. Treat yourself to a movie, to a nice dinner at a classy restaurant, just you, spoil yourself!
Set a goal, and even if you take baby steps, celebrate each step of your progress. Journal, record your feelings, thought and aspirations, it will make great reading in the future. Enjoy life, you don't get a sample run and time is the one thing that doesn't stop, nor can you get it back, Embrace your spirituality, revere your Creator, Higher Power, Source, God.
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